Night @ Wala's

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Well, seems like there was some activity in my routine life recently. After the paper on Friday, I decided to take a break for the afternoon and watched Coach Carter on my comp. Good show. But I guess it only applies to me cos I have a thing for inspirational sports shows. For example, my all time favourite sports show was Remember the Titans. Coach Carter is not really as inspiring or moving, but the themes were different. Coach Carter's theme revolves around discipline and being that all-rounded individual in both sports and studies. Though its the same old predictable storyline about how a losing team gets transformed into a winning team, but this is the kinda show that I somehow take to.

Anyway, I did plan to resume studying that night but then Alex decided to play the devil's advocate and asked me and his gf at Wala's. Trying hard not to succumb to temptation, I rejected him. However, I soon discovered that Pingpong, Ryan, Jane and gang were all heading down there too cos they finished their last paper already. Since Ryan was coming to pick Pingpong from hall (hmmm...dubious), I decided to take the free ride and go down too. Later I also found out that some of my buds were also going! Wonder why everyone had the same inkling that day, but the more the merrier!

Sat with the "exam-over" gang for a while as they had their dinner before I went over to join Alex at Wala's. I don't know whether it was the weather that night, or just the pressence of certain people at the table, but it was really quite hot. I think its probably because of the 2 hottest people in NBS sitting at the table with us. One of whom was our April Hunk, Leon and the supposed April Babe Jane (who was unfortunately replaced by Fiona because she showed me her open fly).

Ryan was feeling so hot he had to go to 7-11 to get some air-con. We couldn't get a seat inside the restaurant also and that made it worse.

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While everyone else was feeling hot, Kailin remained oblivious to the heat because there were more important matters bothering her: her stomach.

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Anyway, I went over to Wala's to join Alex. Got myself some meatballs (good stuff!) and Wala's wings (even better stuff!) and some Boddingtons. Basket, Alex is getting from bad to worse. His PDA is getting too much for me to handle. Next time I will think twice about being alone with him and Fiona.

EIC plays at Wala's on Friday nights. They're really good I must say. Only reason why I would go Wala's considering the steep beer prices.

My buds came along late and Alex left a while after they came. Saved me from more graphic displays of affection.

Great night out with the guys and good way to relax after studying for so long.

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I think Kim Liang is really changing. Though he is changing for the good, but sometimes I think he's also getting a bit crazy. I mean, sometimes the way he acts/looks, you'd jus know he's becoming a moron by just looking at him.

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Its back to the same routine again now.

I've learnt something today: I should not assume things. When Eu Ming assumes, he is an ass.
Why? Because he is ASS-EUMING.

p/s. Realised I wrote wrongly in one of the pics above. Supposed to be "Whose" not "Who's". Lazy to change.

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