No sleep because of the STOOPID RAIN!
Monday, February 28, 2005
I went out for my dentist appointment and I hung out my bedsheets to dry. Yes the used one I washed and the one I found birdshit on which I also washed. And on my way back, the sky started looking gloomy, and rain seemed imminent. I prayed hard that the rain would hold till I got back, but unfortunately it did not. My only 2 bedsheets, hanging in the rain, getting washed again. I was so looking forward to coming back to sleep and now I can't AGAIN!!! Why must God and the bird keep me from sleeping?! Especially when I only had barely 2 hrs of sleep last night!
Fortunately, I have wonderful neighbours. When I came back, I saw Wayne and Joanne helping me keep my laundry, albeit a little too late, but nonetheless it was the thought that counts! Thanks Wayne and Joanne! I promise not to spy on you all when you 2 are alone in the room next time. Heh.
When I was younger, I was always facinated by the waterbeds I see on tv and I always wanted to have one. Well, today my wish has been granted. Not only did I leave the laundry out to dry, I left my windows open, and my bed is next to my window.
Rain + Open Window + Bed Near Window = Waterbed
That practically sums up my pathetic state now. Deprived of sleep when I need it most. Maybe its a sign that I must finish my work first b4 sleeping.
Anyway, this reminds me of something. Laundry and rain. This is not another discriminatory or derogatory story again. I'm just reporting facts and observations thats all. Anyway, the story goes... My friend Teckie and I have observed through our stay in hall that the foreign students (namely Ah Tiongs) are ingenious. Its no wonder why the Chinese claim to have invented so many things. This time, the Chinamen (this term is used only to distinguish the Chinese from the Singaporean Chinese, since we are Chinese too) have invented the WASHING CLOSET!
This is how it works: It functions like a closet because it is where they keep and hang their clothes, and it also functions like a washing machine because it washes their clothes and dries them while it is being kept! How ingenious is that?!
We came to this conclusion because we always see their clothes hanging outside the room, rain or shine. So we concluded that when it rains, it helps them wash their clothes, when the sun comes out, it dries it, and then they come out and choose what to wear. When they are done wearing it, they just hang it back outside for the rain to wash it again. Teckie has actually seen his ex Chinaman neighbour take his clothes from the clothesline outside to wear, when its been hanging there for days, after rain and sun. So it just proves our hypothesis that it is a new invention that he came up with. Saves closet space and saves washing.
I hope the day doesn't get anymore suay for me. Already not feeling too comfortable after the visit to the dentist. This time the tightening seems a little more painful than the previous visits. Can't eat in peace and can't sleep in peace. Only have 1 word to say now....
p/s Refer to previous entry for story of the STOOPID BIRD.
Mingmong _ c r a p p e d _ @ 4:54 PM |