Mingmong enters the blogging world..
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
After much deliberation, I have decided to plunge into the blogging world at last. I am surprised that I am actually doing this actually. I am one person who loves to keep my personal life private, and blogging effectively opens my life to the world. However, maybe its the constant coercion of trini, or probably the need for an outlet to kill boredom, but I think its just the urge to try new things in my final months as a student. Unfortunately, contray to what I have learnt in school, full disclosure will not be practiced here and classified information will be withheld. ;)
Anyway, I shall keep this short while IT idiot mingmong tries to figure out how this thing works.
With the click of the mouse, I will be a blogger.........*shudders*
Mingmong _ c r a p p e d _ @ 8:19 PM |